Chenyangguang (Cyrus) Zhang (张晨阳光)

  Master student at Department of Automation, Tsinghua University

  Project mobility student at CVG, ETH Zurich


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I am a second-year Master student at BBNC Lab, Department of Automation, Tsinghua University, supervised by Professor Xiangyang Ji. I got my bachelor's degree also from Department of Automation, Tsinghua University.

My research interest lies in 3D computer vision, especially shape analysis and scene reconstruction. I'm open for any related cooperation. Feel free to get in touch!

Some of my close colllaborators include PD Dr. Federico Tombari, Dr. Fabian Mandhart, Dr. Gu Wang, Dr. Yan Di, Ruida Zhang, Xingyu Liu.

I was invited as a reviewer for ECCV 2024, ICCV 2023, AISTAT 2024. I'm a student member of Chinese Society of Image and Graphics (CSIG).

Currently, I'm actively seeking for a PhD position in Fall, 2025.


Selected Publications and Contests

Theme 1: Shape Analysis with Human Interaction


MOHO: Learning Single-view Hand-held Object Reconstruction with Multi-view Occlusion-Aware Supervision
Chenyangguang Zhang*, Guanlong Jiao*, Yan Di, Gu Wang, Ziqin Huang, Ruida Zhang, Fabian Manhardt, Bowen Fu, Federico Tombari, Xiangyang Ji
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024.
Paper | Code | Poster


DDF-HO: Hand-Held Object Reconstruction via Conditional Directed Distance Field
Chenyangguang Zhang*, Yan Di*, Ruida Zhang*, Guangyao Zhai, Fabian Manhardt, Federico Tombari, Xiangyang Ji
Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2023.
Paper | Code | Poster

Theme 2: Indoor Shape Analysis


ShapeMatcher: Self-Supervised Joint Shape Canonicalization, Segmentation, Retrieval and Deformation
Yan Di*, Chenyangguang Zhang*, Chaowei Wang*, Ruida Zhang, Guangyao Zhai, Yanyan Li, Bowen Fu, Xiangyang Ji, Shan Gao
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024.
Paper | Code


KP-RED: Exploiting Semantic Keypoints for Joint 3D Shape Retrieval and Deformation
Ruida Zhang*, Chenyangguang Zhang*, Yan Di, Fabian Manhardt, Xingyu Liu, Federico Tombari, Xiangyang Ji
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024.
Paper | Code


U-RED: Unsupervised 3D Shape Retrieval and Deformation for Partial Point Clouds
Yan Di*, Chenyangguang Zhang*, Ruida Zhang*, Fabian Manhardt, Yongzhi Su, Jason Rambach, Didier Stricker, Xiangyang Ji, Federico Tombari
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2023.
Paper | Code

Theme 3: Scene Reconstruction and Pose Estimation


SST: Real-time End-to-end Monocular 3D Reconstruction via Sparse Spatial-Temporal Guidance
Chenyangguang Zhang*, Zhiqiang Lou*, Yan Di, Federico Tombari, Xiangyang Ji
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2023 (oral).
Paper| Oral Presentation Slides


GDRNPP: Extending Geometry-Guided Direct Regression Network in 2022
Xingyu Liu, Ruida Zhang, Chenyangguang Zhang, Bowen Fu, Jiwen Tang, Xiquan Liang, Jingyi Tang, Xiaotian Cheng, Yukang Zhang, Gu Wang, Xiangyang Ji
European Conference on Computer Vision Workshop (ECCVW), 2022.
Winner of BOP Challenge 2022 @ ECCV R6D Workshop.
Slides | Code


GPose2023: A Modularized Learning-based Object Pose Estimator
Ruida Zhang, Ziqin Huang, Gu Wang, Xingyu Liu, Chenyangguang Zhang, Xiangyang Ji
International Conference on Computer Vision Workshop (ICCVW), 2023.
Winner of BOP Challenge 2023 @ ICCV R6D Workshop.
Oral Presentation Slides

Work Experiences and Interships

Honors and Awards


I love sports. I enjoy playing soccer⚽ and badminton🏸, etc. and serve as a winger of soccer team of DA, THU. I'm a soccer fans of Man. Utd. and José Mourinho.

I'm also interested in writing novels and poems. Some of my works are published on Chinese literary magazines. My Wechat official account is named "了妄", where I share some literary works I wrote.

I'm a guitar player admiring Tommy Emmanuel and Kotaro Oshio. Meanwhile, I'm a figure skating fans of Yuzuru Hanyu.

Feel free to get in touch!